Thursday, September 23, 2010


Nothings been up in my life other than work. Just going to class, doing my homework, reading, writing. I feel so miserable. I think I will change to writing. I want to be a fucking writer. I want to write and make music for the rest of my life. Screw all this math, seriously. It's so dull, and not creative. I hate it.

My roommate wastes his days looking at videos about bullshit like Nazi's and alien space ships. Seriously, wtf. This place is eating awa at me, seriously. I have a fuckload of homework. I know I will finish it but thing is, I don't want to start on it. It is completely irrelevant to me because it is not writng. Writng is not my major but it should be, because it feels waaay more relevant even thouh I am not being told to practice it, and math, something vital for comp sci seems like, you know, its trash. word.

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